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i loved this it was so goofy

♥ lowkey tempted to update this!


please do. i loved playing and id like to see even more

Is the android version will realese ?

Unfortunately the software this game's developed in is not compatible with android.


Does someone know wehere and what that present is that papa noel says is on your pc?


This was fun through and through.
Wish there was a way I could have saved myself at the cock battle minigame but overall 10/10 would drink his eggnog again 😁


idk but I can't proceed with the 2nd part of the mini games if I choose the knight costume

I wish it was for Android sigh 😔

(2 edits)

How do you enter the menu and save?

*It's on windows, not a mac issue.

*edit: nvm. You just have to progress is all 🤦‍♂️

for some reason on mac it's not letting me save, its just making an error sound :/ meaning I don't think i can access the newgame+ content as it says?  

i think it's a problem with all the mac versions of RPGMaker games - they crash when you close the options menu and they don't let you save. idk if they'll ever fix it!