5 days left!

I've been thinking about making a video series about ELGM's characters, features and development, starting with one focused on the 0.8 update!

Speaking of, some of you may have noticed that ELGM is now '0.8', instead of '0.08'. To make finishing this project feasible, I am slicing it into  'Acts'. Most of Act I story is already included in the beta, concluding after the "Gnosis encounter at Royal Ruins Summit".

Updates 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 aim to add the remaining features and polish, making it a suitable sample of what to expect in future entries. I hope you are looking forward to the final release of ELGM Act 1. The more support it gets, the quicker it can be developed, so consider becoming a Patron.


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Any plans for this to come to Mac or Android? Game looks great!

I would love to have ELGM available on all platforms. unfortunately, due to RPG Maker MV limitations, it cannot correctly export to Mac or Android.

I plan to use MZ for my future projects in hopes that I'll be able to port this project to other platforms. Until then, the best alternative is to try to emulate the game through third-party software.

Thanks for the reply! Keep it up!