A THOUSAND downloads!

Thank you so much for A THOUSAND downloads in the first 24h!
I hope you're enjoying the demo!

I've just uploaded yet another patch with bug fixes, but there's still many to go until the game's just PERFECT.
I'm commited to continue debugging the game until players can fully experience the concent without immersion-breaking bugs.
(preferably no bugs at all).

I am though, taking this next week slowly so I can rest up from the intense month of Dev crunch!
In the meantime, Enjoy ELGM, report bugs, take a look at my other projects and if you're feeling generous, become a Patreon
Get exclusive posts regarding all my other projects + Access to my Discord server!

Thanks again! See ya, and get hyped for 0.08! 


ELGM v.0.07 (Mirror 2 . Mega)
Apr 02, 2023


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The Mirror file is down :(